Toowoomba Farmers' Country Drive

Oakey, QLD, Australia; Jondaryan, QLD, Australia; Brymaroo, QLD, Australia; Maclagan, QLD, Australia; Highgrove, QLD, Australia; Cooyar, QLD, Australia; Yarraman, QLD, Australia; Blackbutt, QLD, Australia; Googa Creek, QLD, Australia; Crows Nest, QLD, Australia; Hampton, QLD, Australia; Cabarlah, QLD, Australia; Highfields, QLD, Australia
Est. 244.5km / 4 hrs 25 mins / Map

This pleasant country drives starts and finishes at Toowoomba in the Darling Downs. Enjoy a day trip through the townships of Maclagan, Haden and Goombungee and get a glimpse into the varying picturesque landscapes in the region. Explore the Australian Army Flying Museum at Oakey, the Muntapa Tunnel near Peranga, take a walk through the remnant rainforest at the Palms National Park near Cooyar.

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