urbirun London - Canary Wharf & Greenwich

London, England, United Kingdom
Est. 11.4km / 1 hr 8 mins

Distance: 11.4km / 7.1mi (*10km/6.2mi)Elevation: low (climb in the Greenwich Park)Rotation: northern loop, clockwise / southern loop, counterclockwiseParks/Pedestrian: 8.8km (ca. 75%)Urban constraints: lowSuggested start: Canary Wharf station / as any urbirun route, you can start wherever you want.

Watch for the route rotation direction.Public transportation : underground Canary Wharf station - Jubilee Line

On this tour, you will explore the former docklands district, which has become a modern and growing neighborhood in East London. Channels, basins, bridges wind between the buildings. You will also run along the Thames using a very pleasant path, and discover Greenwich Park and its surroundings. One of the highlights of your tour, will probably be running under the Thames throught an almost 400m long straight tube.*Alternative route : you can reduce the route to 10km (without the park and the climb to the Greenwich Royal Observatory)You'll be able to select between different distances during your run.NB: if you are unsure, check your position on the map and the track.

by urbirun
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