Visit Honfleur and surroundings with Tim Richards

Honfleur, NOR, France; Pont-l'Évêque, NOR, France; Deauville, NOR, France; Villerville, NOR, France; Cambremer, NOR, France; Beuvron-en-Auge, NOR, France
Est. 1.6km / 40 mins

Honfleur is one of the prettiest fishing ports in France. The harbour is lined with centuries-old, slate-fronted houses and restaurants. There’s lots of history here, many excellent art galleries and fish restaurants galore. 3.5 million people visit Hornfleur each year.The town is not large and it makes sense after taking a walking tour around city, visit some nearby towns. When GPS tour is ended, please, look at the list to find more interesting stories.

Photo 4 of 10 - Honfleur, Calvados Normandy - FRANCE by Ignaz Wiradi is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0

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