The changing landscape of Punkaharju

Savonlinna, IS, Finland
Est. 7.8km / 1 hr / Map

Over the centuries, people have set out from the shores of Punkaharju to fish as well as to wage war. The roots of the Finnish people and answers to the mysteries of natural science have been sought here. Punkaharju has been the scene of wild summer nights and a refuge for soldiers seeking cover from artillery fire. The history of the esker ridge is varied and rich with fascinating stories, many of which have left their mark on Punkaharju and its landscape. 

This trail was designed for use by, for example, mountain bikes. It starts from the eastern end of the esker ridge area. The trail follows Harjutie, jogs over to a wide forest road and the old museum road near Hotel Punkaharju, and then down to the shore, where it joins the Topeliuksen polku Trail.  

Or, perhaps you would like to learn more about Punkaharju before your arrival. If so, get comfortable in your easy chair and join us for a little jaunt through time.

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