North Coogee Coastal Heritage Trail

North Coogee, WA, Australia; Perth, WA, Australia
Est. 3.0km / 59 mins / Map

This heritage trail will guide you along the North Coogee coastline just South of Fremantle, Western Australia. The tour will draw your attention to the area’s heritage in light of the rapid redevelopment which is occurring along this stretch of the Cockburn Coast. The trail focuses on the multiple identities represented at North Coogee, including the area’s significance to the local Whadjuk Noongar people, to Perth’s horse-riding community, and as a former centre for industry. As we visit each of the sites along the way, we will witness the visible conflict between preserving the past and attempts to sanitise it to fall in line with the area’s emerging identity as a “mixed use urban development.”[1]

[1] Nerida Moredoundt and Susannah Kendall, Cockburn Coast Cultural Heritage Strategy, Perth: TPG Heritage, 2012,, 23.

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