Eyre Court

Clyde North, VIC, Australia; Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Est. --- / 18 mins

This History Week enhanced podcast has been produced for the City of Casey and highlights the council’s concern regarding the lack of resident knowledge about local history and heritage. In recent decades the population of this area has been on the rise, and with it the growth areas of some Casey suburbs have expanded and been redeveloped. This expansion is encroaching onto what was heritage land and many homesteads have had their heritage overlay reduced to make way for this development. One such example of this is the Eyre Court homestead on 221 Grices Road, Clyde North; now a part of the Circa 1886 estate. Pask Group developers have used the heritage of this homestead to sell lots of land as premium, traditional living. This podcast aims to demonstrate how this urbanisation provides both a need, and tool, for community education and awareness

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