Hepburn Mineral Springs Reserve, Hepburn Springs, Victoria
This program will consider the cultural heritage of the mineral water springs in the Hepburn Shire and in particular focus on the Hepburn Mineral Springs Reserve. The Hepburn Shire in Western Victoria contains 80% of Australia’s mineral springs[1]. Utilised by the indigenous inhabitants for thousands of years, the Dja Dja Wurrung people showed them to the settlers during the gold rush, including Captain John Hepburn, who the area was named after[2]. The waters therapeutic qualities have been the impetus for economic development in the area including town settlement, tourism and industry. It has created an identity. The cultural heritage commenced with the practice of ‘Taking the Waters’ and this is still appreciated and experienced to the present day however the way the heritage is represented has evolved with the changing of the times. [1] Hepburn Shire Council Economic Development Strategy 2016-2021, Hepburn Shire Council [website], https://www.hepburn.vic.gov.au/hepburn/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Economic-Development-Strategy-2016-21.pdf , accessed 29 May 2020. [2] C. Gervasoni, Bullboar, Macaroni and Mineral Water: Spa Country’s Swiss Italian Story, Hepburn Springs Swiss Italian Festa Inc, p70
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