Jewish roots of the town Korma
After edict "Jewish pale" russian empress of the Catherine II in 1791 jew mass settled on belorussian village and small towns. By the end of 18 ages according to data revision lists Korma from 1268 jewish population formed 932 persons, but this 73,5%. However these numerals gave the inexact information about population since took into account not actual number of the inhabitants, but only one, was listed in list for payment of the tax. The Big encyclopedic dictionary Brokgauza and Efrona reports that in that time in small town already имелись three jewish of prayer schools and trade school.Regrettably, the first general census to Russian empire, which passed in 1897 does not help us to hear the exact number of the inhabitants Korma and her national composition since statistical information XXIII "Mogilevskaya gubernya" does not indicate the given regions about population Rogachevskogo district separately.But in 1910 in Mogilevskay guberny for study arrives the petersburg extra G.P. Pozharov Kormyansky region also does not remain unheeded. According to data statystyc reference book, the general population town formed 1682 persons, of them 1464 jews and 218 christyan, on class sign - 12 noblemans, clergy - 20, 1475 towns people and 175 villagers. The Pozharov did not take into account the childrens, teenagers and peoples of the old age.The еnormous role in economic development town and region have as a whole played her main inhabitants - a jews. They were not only shown by economic skeleton in trade deal, but occupied the managing posts in petty bourgeois and волостном rule, formed the local intellectuals. In prerevolutionary small town acted the synagogue and two of prayer jewish buildings.Bolshevik mass-meeting was collected in Korma, on which were chose candidacies in волостной advice and is abolished земская council. From jewish population was elected Fradin. In condition of political diarchy and anarchies 1918 Fradin with most influential jews (Finkelishteynom, Fishbeynom and brothers Layzeronky) has the local исполком. Many jews (the Ilya Feygin, Jacob Layzerenok and others) have entered in local armed troop, which was later infused in rows Red Army.At years Soviet authorities, according to the first census USSR 1926 jewish population in belorussian small towns grew shorter on 24,8%, but in some of them it continued to form the most part such as, in Korma - 71,4% (1.248 inhabitants to jewish nationality).In the beginning 1920-h years jews Korma created its faction, which fought for political and economic rights of the jewish population. At period NEP was created one more jewish faction "Progress", managed her Gelberg, she promoting economic development town. Was identified United she all sides of the economic potential Korma - from handicraftcmans before artels. In 1927 local party organs have begun to accuse the leaders a faction in that that ostensibly they отошли from problems of the parties and have broken the principles socialist construction. The Factions were licentious.In 1930-h year has proceed departure populations from Korma, about than witness the given union census 1939. The jewish population Korma has formed 40,3% that extremely differs from data listing 1926 year. However, in Gomelisky region Korma all else remained the leader on the numerical composition of the jewish population then for instance in Rechice jew numbered 24,3%, but in Zhlobin and Chechersk on 20%.Has definitively chop off the jewish root Korma тhe Second World War. After occupation Kormyanskiy region at august 1941, germans invaders in Korma was created two ghettoes, where was found beside 700 jews, including womans and childrens. All of these were shot at november 1941. After such losses, jewish diaspora Korma as well as has not been able to fill their own loss and be restored before prerevolutionary level.
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