Jewish streets of Minsk

Minsk, Minsk, Belarus
Est. 3.6km / 1 min

Jewish streets of Minsk - Cya On The Road

In the beginning of the 20th century more than half of the population of Minsk was Jewish, but today it is difficult to find traces of former Jewish life in the city. This tour will will guide you along the Jewish streets of the capital, telling you about prominent personalities, Jewish places and synagogues.The tour will take you to an amazing past. We will walk along the streets where Jewish merchants were crucial to the country's economy. You will visit the main educational centres of Jewish youth. We will show you which street was called the local "Broadway," and tell you why Minsk almost became the main jazz centre of the USSR. So many interesting facts and all of them with exact addresses!We will take you around the centre of Minsk, where Jews lived in almost every house. There were 92 synagogues in Minsk before the war. Where did they stand and which buildings have survived? You will know all this by walking with us and listening to our tour "Jewish Streets of Minsk".

by The Together Plan
A UK registered charity supporting community empowerment and capacity building in Eastern Europe.

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