Phnom Penh Mekong

Phnom Penh, Cambodia; Khsach Kandal, Cambodia; Lvea Aem, Cambodia
Est. 47.0km / 7 hrs 50 mins

A nature trail to meet the travelers of yesteryear.Twenty kilometres North of Phnom Penh, there is a beach on an island by the Mekong. This is where this journey will take you, zigzagging and taking detours to get as close to nature as possible! On the way, we promise rural landscapes, silk, weaving looms, and no less than 4 ferry crossings! We will also reveal stories of pilgrims, traders, diplomats, and explorers who knew the giant river in other times.The loop is a little less than 50 kilometres. We recommend you hire a small motorbike or go by bike. In both cases, leave early: it's beautiful and you'll want to stop often.Seasons: at the end of the dry season (March-April-May) the level of the Mekong is low. The beach is huge, the current weak, and the river almost transparent. At the height of the rainy season (September-October), the beach is non-existent, the water dark-brown and the flow overpowering. Use your common sense to decide whether or not it's time to take a dip!Accommodation: there are accommodations on the islands... in case its charm holds you back.

by Extra Trip
Nos parcours font des zigzags dans l’espace et le temps. À vélo ou en mob, à l'aide des histoires passées, on explore le présent.

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