Edmonton Queer History App

Edmonton, AB, Canada
Est. 28.9km / 57 mins

Welcome to the Edmonton Queer History App! Instructions: For desktop instructions, see the below video. For mobile app instructions please visit the CHI-TEA Lab website <https://sites.google.com/ualberta.ca/chitea-lab/eqh-app>. How & Why? The Edmonton Queer History App focuses on key Edmonton locations to tell the story of how queer rights have changed in the city from the past to the present day. Interviews from leaders in the LGBTQ+ community (see “Acknowledgements…” map pin/ location 11) and archival research have been combined to create narratives of past struggles and successes to educate those both within and outside of the LGBTQ+ community. The locations on this tour were selected with the help of our interviewees because they hold particular relevance to the development of contemporary LGBTQ+ social and legislative rights in Edmonton. While each location has a text-based narrative component, other sources of media can also be found (depending on location), including pictures, videos, and audio clips. Where applicable, the text will direct you towards the video or audio. As a general rule, it is most helpful to view the content in this order: video, text, audio and then pictures. Other important features to be aware of within this app are the Glossary (pin 1) and the Timeline (pin 10).  Thanks so much for your interest in our app!  The Edmonton Queer History App was developed by Dr. Jason Harley and his CHI-TEA Laboratory at the University of Alberta. This project has been supported by a grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) awarded to Dr. Harley (PI) and Drs. Grace (co-PI; University of Alberta), Lajoie (co-PI; McGill University), and Poitras (collaborator; University of Utah). We gratefully acknowledge the generous contributions of many Edmonton LGBTQ+ community members for their time and enthusiasm with this project.Resources:[1] Alberta Health Services (AHS) -- Terms to Know[2] Alberta Health Services (AHS) -- Terms and Phrases to Avoid[3] American Psychological Association (APA) Definitions of Gender and Sexuality[4] Rainbow Health OntarioPride Centre of EdmontonISMSS

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