York University's Public History Students Podcast

Toronto, ON, Canada; Perth South, ON, Canada; Montreal, QC, Canada; Mississauga, ON, Canada; Peterborough, ON, Canada; Aurora, ON, Canada; Tay, ON, Canada; Halifax, NS, Canada
Est. 4,180.0km / 3 days

Welcome to our tour! Here you will find a series of podcasts produced by undergraduate students in HIST4310 Living History and HIST4840 Public History, the two capstone courses of York University's Cross-Disciplinary Certificate in Public History. This certificate is a collaborative initiative of the Department of History in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, Glendon College, and the Department of Visual Art and Art History in the School of the Arts, Media, Performance, and Design.Public history refers to the ways that historical knowledge and representations are produced, understood by and interpreted for non-academic audiences. The Cross-Disciplinary Certificate in Public History at York University provides students with an introduction to the theory, methods, and practice of work in historical, heritage, and cultural institutions, along with a critical understanding of the production and presentation of historical knowledge for public audiences.The podcasts in this tour result from a course assignment that required the students to interview public history and heritage professionals associated with various sites, organizations, and projects, or knowledgeable stakeholders of the historical subject matter and communities represented therein. Along with the interviews, the students discussed the history and changing interpretations of these sites, organizations, and projects; the motivations, principles, goals, and challenges encountered by its creators or managers; and the public's reception and expectations.

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