Crèvecoeur Castle

Mézidon Vallée d'Auge, NOR, France
Est. 558m / 43 mins

Crèvecœur Castle was built in the Middle Ages, nearly a thousand years ago! It was protected by a moat, two drawbridges and a castle wall. The lord and his family lived in the lodge located in the upper bailey and protected by a stone wall. The peasants and the animals lived in the lower bailey. Here, there were a number of half-timbered buildings: the farm, the dovecote, the barn, the stables and the old bread oven, but also a stone chapel. Now it's your turn to discover the castle and the life of its former inhabitants!

by Château de Crèvecoeur
Découvrez une seigneurie rurale miraculeusement préservée.

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