Two days in Clermont-Ferrand

Clermont-Ferrand, ARA, France
Est. 14.6km / 4 hrs 23 mins

Clermont-Ferrand is a city in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, in Puy-De-Dôme. It is the most popular town in our department. Clermont-Ferrand is famous in France and in the world because there is Michelin and the rugby team ASM. Originally, Clermont-Ferrand was composed of two cities - Clermont and Montferrand. It’s during the time of Louis XIII then Louis XV that it was decided to merge Clermont with Montferrand. For a long time those two towns were separated and very different. Today, there are still some old-style streets like the street “des gras”, “du port”...In clermont-Ferrand in 2015 there were 141 398 inhabitants and its area is 42,67 km².So we have choice to prepare for you some activities do for pass two exceptional days in Clermont-Ferrand

by IUT

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