Trekking Lucignano

Lucignano, Tuscany, Italy; Foiano della Chiana, Tuscany, Italy
Est. 11.4km / 1 hr 54 mins


Municipal Museum - Piazza del Tribunale   - Collegiata - Via Roma - Porta S. Giovanni – Capuccini - Pieve Vecchia - Torrente Esse - Cisternella - Santa Luce -             Rio di Scannagallo - Sentiero della Bonifica


The route originates from the Municipal Museum of Lucignano. Crossed Piazza del Tribunale , it goes down to Via Roma and continues left to Porta S. Giovanni (Saint John’s Gate). Walk towards the seventeenth-century convent of the Capuchins and continue the itinerary to Pieve Vecchia where is the Church of St. Blaise. From the hamlet of Pieve Vecchia continue towards Foiano della Chiana. Cross the stream Esse right after the railway Arezzo-Sinalunga, and turn into a side street that leads to the Ninfeo della Cisternella. Turn to the left when you reach the paved road and after a few hundred meters turn right to go up to the village of Santa Luce. Follow the road until you cross Via di Quarata, shortly after the Scannagallo stream, and continue for 750 meters along the dirt road. At the intersection with the paved road turn right to the roundabout, and take the second exit. Continue for a kilometer and turn left. The dirt road continues until it meets the Sentiero della Bonifica.

by Museo Comunale di Lucignano
Il Museo di Lucignano offre uno splendido spaccato di storia locale. Conserva l’Albero d’Oro (1350-1471) insuperato capolavoro d’arte orafa.

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