Cortona, Tuscany, Italy
Est. 23.4km / 5 hrs

Retracing the route anciently used by German pilgrims (whence its name) on their way to Rome, the section of this path crossing the Cortona countryside runs from Mezzavia to Terontola and from there to Lake Trasimeno. The track winds its way through fields, terraced olive groves and country villages such as San Pietro a Cegliolo and San Martino a Bocena to eventually climb the hillside to Cortona and run through the old town. From there, the path continues down the eastern hillside of Cortona to Sant’Angelo and from there all the way to Terontola passing through the village of Ossaia. Historical, archaeological and landscape sights along the route include rural churches, historic villas with superb gardens and century-old trees.

Punto di partenza per la visita al MAEC Parco è l'info-point in loc. Sodo, ai piedi di Cortona, dove sosrgono le monumentali tombe etrusche.

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