Personaggi illustri EN
Cavernago, Lombardy, Italy; Ghisalba, Lombardy, Italy; Cortenuova, Lombardy, Italy; Romano di Lombardia, Lombardy, Italy; Caravaggio, Lombardy, Italy; Treviglio, Lombardy, Italy; Brignano Gera d'Adda, Lombardy, Italy; Capriate San Gervasio, Lombardy, Italy
Est. 44.1km / 1 hr 17 mins
Hi BG: the Bassa Bergamasca is the cradle of a huge numbers of historical and artistics testimoniesof the past of our country. You will go through an itinerary of 12 stages that will show you thenumerous beauties that were left from architects, pintors, and famous artists from the past. Enjoythe variety of Bergamo history!
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