Water Museum of Venice: The Ancient Eden: the Botanical Garden of Porto Caleri in the Po Delta

Rosolina, Veneto, Italy
Est. 3.4km / 1 hr 9 mins

Walking slowly along the paths of this Botanical Garden, you will observe firsthand the rich variety of the different environments of the Delta Po Regional Park and its highly diversified biodiversity, at only 40 km from the southern lagoon of Venice. After crossing through the thick ilex grove, and then the consolidated dunes, you will reach an uncontaminated beach surrounded by Mediterranean scrub. Difficulty: easyLength: 3.5 kilometersTime: 1 hour 30 minutesWhere to leave: The Botanical Garden is managed by the Regional Forestry Commission in conjunction with the University of Padua, and is about 5 kilometres from Rosolina Mare. Open to the public from April to September with entrance fee. For information and guided visits call +39 0424 68408 or +39 0426 372261 or write to info@parcodeltapo.orgThis itinerary curated by the Water Museum of Venice aims to promote the most valuable heritage of water civilizations linked to the Venice Republic, thanks to the digital museum (www.watermuseumofvenice.com/eng) and to a series of tours aimed at facilitating the direct contact with water and the experience of unique liquid places. The project aims at sensitizing people who care about the protection of this irreplaceable source of life and the making of a better world, in line with UNESCO’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Water Museum of Venice is a member of the UNESCO Global Network of Water Museums www.watermuseums.net

by Water Museum of Venice
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