Water Museum of Venice: The easternmost point of the Delta: where the river meets the sea

Porto Tolle, Veneto, Italy
Est. 16.0km / 1 hr 36 mins

One of the most fascinating itineraries of the entire Po Delta, through stunning landscapes and the opportunity to observe where the salt water of the sea meets the fresh water of the great river. Here the land and coast are constantly changing, and offer to the traveller a rich and fascinating waterscape with endless surprises. The itinerary is located at approx. 100 km from Venice.Difficulty: easyLength: 16 kilometersTime: about 3 hoursWhere to leave: This itinerary is designed for experienced travellers who have their own boat (possibly flat-bottomed) or a kayak. Take great care with the changing tides. The bed is very shallow in parts and there is the risk of getting stuck. Departure is from the mooring beside the fishermen’s huts at Pila. Excursions will vary depending on the time of year. For renting boats and information, contact the Navigazione Marino Cacciatori on the following numbers: +39 0426 380314 or +39 334 7035765. For further information: Parco Regionale Veneto Delta del Po +39 0426 372202This itinerary curated by the Water Museum of Venice aims to promote the most valuable heritage of water civilizations linked to the Venice Republic, thanks to the digital museum (www.watermuseumofvenice.com/eng) and to a series of tours aimed at facilitating the direct contact with water and the experience of unique liquid places. The project aims at sensitizing people who care about the protection of this irreplaceable source of life and the making of a better world, in line with UNESCO’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Water Museum of Venice is a member of the UNESCO Global Network of Water Museums www.watermuseums.net

by Water Museum of Venice
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