San Prisco

San Prisco, Campania, Italy
Est. 3.5km / 1 hr 10 mins

The municipality is in a favourable geographical position, near MountTifata (six hundred and three meters), it is located in the Campaniaregion, province of Caserta, it is placed between Caserta andSanta Maria Capua Vetere, with which there is territorial contiguity.It is an agricultural center, which has been transformed for severaldecades in a small town with a promising developmen of the commercialsector and of the small manufacturing industry. Alongside to traditionalagriculture and trade in its products ( olives, grain, fruit, wine ) hasdelevoped the small industry. The name of the town of San Priscodereves from the name of the first bishop of Capua, who arrived in Capuawith the apostle Peter in 44 AD. The body of St. Peter was found 400years later, thanks to the indications Matrona, a young girl fromLusitania, wich then promoted the construction of a church, around whichwas born the village of San Prisco. The main street is via Michele Monaco,in honor of the illustrious historical of the city, in the nineteenthCentury called “strada della piazza”, where the municipal house is located.

by I.A.C. San Prisco
"Sentieri di arte e cultura in San Prisco"

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