Roero WineTour 4 - The panoramic crus of central Roero territory

Canale, Piedmont, Italy; Monteu Roero, Piedmont, Italy; Montaldo Roero, Piedmont, Italy
Est. 26.5km / 4 hrs 25 mins

WineTours are trails for mountain bike and hiking tours through the geographical indications of the Roero and Roero Arneis DOCG wines - also called “cru”- among the historical vineyards and wineries associated to the Roero Producers’ Consortium. Four easy ring paths and a huge itinerary divided in different stops to explore the wine hills located on the left side of the Tanaro river, in the north part of the city of Alba (CN) by walking, mountain bike or e-bike. A wine heritage that fits in a landscape which is rich in biodiversity, among historical villages, castles and rural ciabòt.Roero WineTour 4 – The panoramic crus of central Roero territoryItinerary that mostly develops on ridges and enhances wine geometries of rare beauty, with panoramic 360 views over medieval castles and towers of central Roero territory, surrounded by the mountain range of the Alps. Technical data:difficulty: E - difficulty bike: MC - time: 6,40 h distance: 26.50 km min/max elev.: 186 m/386 m elev. gain/loss: 660 m/-660 m From Old Town Canale, going alongside the Malabaila Castle’s park, walkers follow Viale Del Pesco to end up in Via Boschetto, walking on a long but gradual panoramic ascent that leads them to the Mombirone Sanctuary, a religious location that overlooks the town of Canale. After that, they centrally cross the Mombirone and Srü MGA and, once reached the opposite ridge, walkers penetrate Sant’Anna cru throughout its entire length, located in Monteu Roero council and its homonymous village. Here, the ridge full of vineyards presents itself as a landscape of rare beauty thanks to the neat geometries and the wideness of its natural amphitheaters that stretch to the vast horizon surrounded by the Alps. After that, walkers go across the Canton Sandri cru to get to Occhetti San Pietro and Occhetti, a location known for the San Pietro di Novelle parish church, quoted from the year 901. It quite likely to find a lot of fossils in this area, because there’s a less percentage of limestone, while the silicon dioxide percentage is particularly higher. At this point, walkers enter the territory of Monteu Roero, walking through the two rural village of San Rocco and San Giacomo, where ancient springy rituals related to the worship of trees still persist, together with their homonymous MGA. They then move forward towards the town of Montaldo Roero, walking especially on the ridge considered the edge among the Sicurana, Muschiavin and Torre MGA, while enjoying the close-up view of the medieval cylindrical tower of Montaldo Roero. Walkers are going to start here to go uphill towards Monteu Roero, looking at the view over Sacargena MGA on their right, where the sand percentage found in soil in notably high. After a stretch on sp253 among woods and clearings that host centuries-old chestnut trees, they have to take sp29 to get to Old Town Monteu Roero, built almost on the edge of the cliffs of Rocche and overlooked by the medieval castle. Following that, they enter a zone which is full of additional geographic indications: starting off from Anime Nere, they keep on walking alongside Ciabot San Giorgio, which is the site of the disappeared Pulciano’s castle (10th century), entering then the wide San Michele (whose major extension is a part of Canale’s land), which is overlooked by a parish church that stands isolated as a sentinel of the territory. After that, walkers skirt Bricco Braida and scramble on the panoramic ridge that crosses Anime and S.S. Trinita’ crus, going then back to Canale and to its elegant arcades.

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