Discovering Mount Kronio’s Vaporous Caves

Sciacca, Sicily, Italy
Est. 257m / 14 mins

Welcome!!!We will bring you to discover the San Calogero’s Vaporous Caves, a place where, since thousands of years, earth shares with men its deep breath. This was the residence where, it is said, was idolized Cronus, the God of Time, Fertility and Agriculture, who was also father of Zeus and other Gods. Here legend is at home, there is a concentration of various legends such us the ones of Cronus, Demeter, Daedalus, and Minos. These are, most probably, the oldest thermal baths of the word, since were frequented by prehistoric men during the Paleolithic period.Almost 2000 years ago, this place was mentioned by Diodoro Siculus, a Greek-speaking historian who lived in Sicily during the first century b.C: based on his tale this thermal bath have been built up by the great Athenian architect Daedalus, who arrived here, after having been escaped from the Crete’s Labyrinth, for the joke he did to his wife, which he had made mate with a bull from which - according to the legend - the Minotaur would have been born.This is the place where a hermit, San Calogero, between the fifth and the sixth century A.D., around 1500 years ago, has created a place for care in which patients could sat on stones seats in an environment overwhelmed by steam, which was very effective for various diseases, especially rheumatic diseases. That this place was good for the body as well as for the spirit is guaranteed by the name of the saint: Calogero, in fact, in ancient Greek, means "the beautiful old man". Here, in fact, you get old very, very well!This is a unique place where you can enjoy one of the special experiences in Sciacca, the city of the Five Senses, on a visual, tactile, respiratory level: a global and engaging experience, even if it lasts a few minutes.This audio tour has been realized during the reopening and the guided tours of the Caves. Texts by Giovanna Maria Craparo, Desiree Li Bassi e Elisa Bonacini. Review by Giuseppe Verde, voice by Fabio Piazza.

by Ecomuseo dei 5 sensi di Sciacca
L'ecomuseo dei 5 sensi nasce a Sciacca ed è un "museo diffuso" e una comunità consapevole.

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