MOK NDSM Collection

Amsterdam, NH, Netherlands
Est. 1.1km / 53 mins

Welcome to the Museum of Unintentional Art (MOK). The museum with the biggest exhibition area in the world: the public space. At the MOK we don’t put the artist on a pedestal, but rather the visitor and his imagination. We do not place art works in a building; we instead build a museum experience around your environment. By providing everyday objects or compositions with a museum sign and a stimulating story, we invite you to see the beauty of the environment. After visiting the MOK, you will discover unintentional artworks everywhere. The only thing that is left to do is to add a title and a compelling art history. You can add your own finds to the visitors collection on social media with the hashtag #unintentionalart or send an email to collectie@hetmok.nlHow does the exhibition work?- Scan the QR code, install the izi-travel app and follow the tour. The audio will be activated automatically. Or:- Explore the environment and look for a museum sign. Scan the QR code for the audio.- On request, our museum director Gilad Bino Walvisch provides theatrical tours. More information via centerWhen the door is open, you are welcome for a hot cup of coffee in our cozy museum café, which also houses a small intended exhibition on unintentional art. Of course, there is also a museum shop where you can purchase extraordinary memorabilia.

by Museum voor Onbedoelde Kunst
Laat je kunst zien waar je normaal gewoon voorbij zou lopen

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