The Bucharest of the mahalas

Bucharest, Romania
Est. 1.5km / 30 mins

The tour “The Bucharest of the mahalas” goes along surprising and at the same time alarming landscapes from the center of the Capital, passing through the former mahalas (traditional city district mostly inhabited by craftsmen and tradesmen, from Arabic محلة mähallä through Turkish mahalle) which have become a part of the modern nucleus of the city: Lipscani, Sf. Gheorghe, Colței, Stelea Spătaru and Moșilor. These areas full of architectural, cultural, and historical identity are presently considered conservation areas, but their bad state of disrepair contradicts their legal status. We invite you to traverse them at a slow pace, listening to a selection of atmospheric stories from the interwar journals, as well as to the history of the emblematic buildings and of the men and women who contributed to the formation of Bucharest.The guided tours through “the Bucharest of the mahalas” took place between the 13th and the 15th of April, within the framework of the project “With the walking stick through Bucharest”, co-financed by AFCN - The Administration of the National Cultural Fund of Romania. This audio version of the tour is a part of the same stage of the project.Credits:Text: Andreea Apostu, Edmond Niculușcă, Alberto Groșescu & othersAdaptation for the audio version: Maria PascuTranslation from the Romanian: Melker EpsteinVoice: Alexandra AdamRecording and editing: DIUD studioPhotos: Alberto Groșescu, where not specified otherwiseList of references:

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