Children of the State in Moscow

Moscow, Central Federal District, Russia
Est. 3.4km / 1 hr 8 mins

Our tour is dedicated to the fate of children who became victims of the Soviet system in the 1920-1930s. Millions of children from all over the Soviet Union suffered this fate. The Revolution of 1917, civil war, famine, unemployment, collectivization, dekulakization, waves of repression, and the Great Patriotic War (1941-45) were difficult ordeals for millions of Soviet citizens. Naturally, these events negatively affected the most vulnerable members of society: children. Children could not change or direct their fate, and they fell into this tumultuous stream of events not by choice. They proved to be the most deprived and forgotten victims of the Soviet regime. Now we will look more closely at how the state “cared for” children who lost their parents for various reasons.

by Общество Мемориал
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