Losevo. The chronicles of water and stone

Priozerskiy rayon, Northwestern Federal District, Russia
Est. 2.0km / 40 mins

Welcome to Losevo! Today on your tour we are going to tell you how this local natural beauties were formed, how people have been living here since prehistoric times until present day, how the local bridges were blown up during the Winter War, how the waters of Lake Sukhodolskoye broke into Lake Ladoga, about the consequences of that cataclysm and about how all these events turned this place into a tourist and USSR water sport attraction and today's resort. Our tour will begin at the board No. 1 near the table tennis court. Click "Begin the Tour" to have the audio play automatically when you approach the objects.

by Лосевский курорт
ТурИнформЦентр Лосево

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