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Pyatigorsk, North Caucasian Federal District, Russia
Est. 6.4km / 2 hrs 30 mins

"Right outside, at the foot of high mountains, you can see beautiful Pyatigorsk" is an opening phrase of a popular Russian comedy show. Indeed, Pyatigorsk is wonderful. Come and visit our resort!Pyatigorsk is the second most populated town in the Stavropol Territory, one of the oldest balneological resorts in Russia and a place where a great Russian poet Mikhail Lermontov spent his last days. Numerous mineral springs and mud wells found within a fairly small territory made Pyatigorsk a world famous resort.Pyatigorsk is not only an amazing health resort, but it is also another interesting destination for an inveterate traveler. Scattered around the foot of Mount Mashuk, drowned in picturesque groves and entangled in a serpentine terrenkur, this colorful gem of the North Caucasus is always ready to welcome its guests!Some historical snapshots of PyatigorskThe curative qualities of the springs in the area of Mount Bish-Dag (the ancient name of the area where modern Pyatigorsk is located) have been known for centuries. The first written document of Pyatigorsk area dates back to 1334, when the place was visited by Arabian traveler Ibn Battuta. A little later, the Circassians or the Cherkasy settled in the region. A German ambassador, who visited the region in the 16th century, referred to them as "brave pirates” who live according to Christian customs but do not disdain robbery and other illegal bounty-hunting methods.The modern history of Pyatigorsk starts in 1780, from the fortress founded in the system of the Azov-Mozdok defensive line.By creating this line in the period of the intensified belligerence with Turkey for the North-West Caucasus, the tsar’s government aimed at strengthening the borders and maintaining peaceful relations with the South-Kuban Circassians and other peoples living in the mountains.In 1768, another Russian-Turkish war broke out, ending in 1774 with the signing of the Kuchuk-Kainarji Peace Treaty. According to its conditions, a new boundary was established: from the mouth of the Terek River to Mozdok to the North-West up to the now Rostov-on-Don and Azov. It was crucial to "close" the gap on the southern outskirts of Russia by creating a line of powerful combat outposts.In 1780, the Konstantinogorsk military fort was founded four kilometers away from Mount Mashuk, which was supposed to "lock" the Azov-Mozdok line. The Konstantinogorsk fortress became the foundation for the future town, so 1780 is marked as the official Pyatigorsk foundation year.The first settlers were the recruits sent from Georgievsk and the Sviyazhsky battalion.In their spare time, the soldiers visited the mineral springs, quenching thirst and bathing in the stone baths of Mount Goryachaya. Soon, the word about the miraculous properties of Konstantinogorsk waters reached Russian scientists. As a result, several research expeditions were sent to study the composition of the spring water, and in 1803, Alexander I signed his famous Rescript, according to which the fortress was officially declared a resort and subject to mandatory improvement. Since that time, the history of Pyatigorsk as a resort has begun.The beginning of large-scale construction and resort arrangement is connected with the name of General Alexei Ermolov, Commander-in-Chief in the Caucasus. He personally invited the architects, brothers Giuseppe and Giovanni Bernardazzi. The brothers developed the town architectural plan, which determined its appearance for several centuries.Pyatigorsk grew up rapidly.The picturesque location, climate, cleanliness and amenities made Pyatigorsk one of the best provincial towns in Russia, and the variety of healing springs made it the most unique in Europe.In 1863, upon the initiative of Dr. Semen Smirnov, the first Russian balneological society was founded in Pyatigorsk, focusing on the research of the healing factors lavished on the area by Nature. Balneology, as a science, was born in Pyatigorsk.Yet, Pyatigorsk is mostly associated with a great Russian poet Mikhail Lermontov. His name is connected to numerous places all over town. Here, he created many characters of his works; in Pyatigorsk, he wrote parts of "Taman", "Princess Mary", and "A Hero of Our Time".During the Soviet period, the town’s reputation as the All-Union resort grew manifold. Dozens of spas, clinics and health resorts were built. Every year, hundreds of thousands of Soviet citizens visited the town.After the difficult Perestroika years, the town blossomed again. Today, Pyatigorsk is a large industrial, commercial, scientific, cultural and tourist center of the ecological and resort region of the Caucasus Mineral Waters and Stavropol Territory.We invite you to stroll through the sites of our cozy southern town and enjoy its hospitality!

by Туристско-информационный центр "ПЯТИГОРСК"
Официальный туристический портал Пятигорска

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