“Pushkinskaya - boulevard of arts”

Rostov-on-Don, Southern Federal District, Russia
Est. 2.3km / 45 mins

Pushkinskaya Street with the broad boulevard line along the center is a favorite place for Rostov residents. The street is 3.5 km long.The street was named to commemorate Alexander Pushkin, genius of Russian poetry who traveled together with General Rayevskiy’s family via Dimitriy Rostovskiy’s fortress to Caucasus. This former Kuznetskaya Street was marked in the city plan of 1811. Forging shops began disappearing by the mid-19th century and were replaced by mansions and rental houses of Rostov merchants. Some of these buildings represent cultural monuments and have the historical value.A walk along Pushkinskaya Street is a genuine contact with various arts, from the garden art to cinema.

by Департамент экономики города Ростова-на-Дону
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