Vitus Bering in town Kungur

Kungur, Volga Federal District, Russia
Est. 1.2km / 32 mins

Through Kungur were the routes of many expeditions. This city lay on the route of the second Kamchatka, or the great Northern, expedition-the largest scientific enterprise of the first half of the XVIII century.The eighteenth century occupies a special place in the history of Russian science. This is a period of great Russian geographical discoveries and scientific expeditions, which marked the beginning of the knowledge of the natural resources of our country. Their participants were engaged in drawing up geographical maps. Besides, they collected various data on the nature, economy of various regions of Russia, on life of local population. Leadership of the second Kamchatka expedition was carried out by the Senate and the Academy of Sciences. The main part of the campaign was headed by captain-commander Vitus Bering. His team visited Kungur in November 1733. The city became an important transit point on the way of Bering expedition to Tobolsk. In Kungur, the pioneers waited a week to establish a winter road to continue to go through the Urals and Siberia to Kamchatka.One of the divisions of the great Northern expedition was a land of Academic detachment. Its leaders – naturalist Johann Georg Gmelin, the historian Gerard Friedrich Miller's and the astronomer Louis Delisle de La Croyer – had the title of professors. The detachment also included five students, four surveyors, translator, painter, drawing master and twelve convoy soldiers with corporal and drummer.Academic the team gave from Petersburg in early August 1733 year. The place of his meeting with the main detachment was assigned to Tobolsk. The route to the far Siberian city ran through Tver, Kazan, Sarapul, OSU, Ekaterinburg almost without stopping. Exception have made only for kungura.In the city, located on the banks of Sylva, members of the Academic detachment planned a stop for 2 days to explore the famous cave, " koj describes Stralenberg, and which have the habit to examine all curious travelers." For this purpose Professor Gmelin and Miller, accompanied by berkhan's artist, several students and soldiers, appeared in Kungur earlier than other members of the squadron. December 22, 1733, at noon, scientists arrived in the city, and in the evening of December 24 left for Ekaterinburg.May 15, 1734 from Tobolsk to the Senate was sent "observation of Professor Gmelin to natural history, concerning which there is a description of the Kungur caves...". #домвкоторомяживу2018

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