Irkutsk Routes: Historical Center

Irkutsk, Siberian Federal District, Russia
Est. 1.1km / 30 mins

Follow this route and you will see all the historically important places of Irkutsk. The route starts with the place where the first cossacks stepped on the shores of the Angara River. Yakov Pokhabov and other cossacks built Irkutsk Ostrog which is considered to be the foundation of the future city. The most ancient church of Irkutsk was founded here (Church of the Savior of the miraculous Image). The memorial of the citizens killed during the II World War is a sacred place for all Irkutsk dwellers. Guard of honour pays its respect near the Eternal Fire.This route is suitable for the disabled people, but bear in mind that it’s only the monuments which are situated on the open spaces are best suitable for them. The interior of the monuments is hard to observe while being disabledThe audio-guide is created as a part of the joint project «Irkutsk Routes» by the brotherhood in the name of St. Innocent of Irkutsk and by the Irkutsk Regional State Universal Scientific Library of Molchanov-Sibirskiy.The project is implemented with the support of the presidential grants fund. Alexey Bayfa is the photographer of the project.

by Маршруты Байкала
Аудиогиды по Иркутску и Прибайкалью на русском, английском и китайском языках

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