Foreigners at German settlement

Moscow, Central Federal District, Russia
Est. 2.9km / 1 hr 40 mins

Introduction:Hello and welcome to an excursion “Foreigners at German settlement”. I’m Evgeniya.Today we will be walking about one of the old Moscow districts which good preserved till the present time. In the past this territory called Nemetskaya sloboda, it can be translated German settlement. During this excursion I’ll use this name of the district.We will learn why that settlement was called German, what it is Kukuy,  where the first private pharmacy was being in Moscow, where the famous Gardner’s porcelain was started, where a confectionary factory was, where France Lefort and Johann Lestokq lived, where our emperors stayed for waiting for their coronations.So, just before our tour, I want to tell you the toponymy of Russian words "nemetskaya sloboda". In our language that word appeared from naming of the people who can't speak Russian. They were for Russians as  mute or speechless. In Russian language it sounds as "nemoy", "nemtyr'. And from it the Russian word "nemetskaya" formed. Russians called all foreigners  “nemtsy”, including Italians, Germans, Frenchmen, Englishmen and others. In that time there lived the most of all speechless people for Russians. That’s why that district was called “Nemetskaya sloboda” or German settlementAt the present time this word left only for naming of German nationality. Nowadays present Russians know and use this word only in the meaning of nationality name for Germans. And only inquisitive people know the history of it. Sloboda means a settlement. When we join both words we get Nemetskaya sloboda or German settlement.By the way Baumanskaya street till 1922 called Nemetskaya street or German street.Ok, let’s start our excursion.Our tour begins near the exit of Baumanskaya metro station

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