Zlatoustov Monastery:Demolished, but Living

Moscow, Central Federal District, Russia
Est. 401m / 30 mins

Welcome to the center of Moscow, which is full of history. Today we will walk along Bolshoy and Maly Zlatoustinsky Lanes next to the walls of Zlatoustov Monastery. Those familiar with the history of Moscow may ask: Isn’t it the one that was fully demolished in the Soviet time? It is the one, but, luckily, due to the efforts of the Center for studying the history and heritage of Moscow Zlatoustov Monastery, with the help of archives, photos, findings of archeological excavations, new technologies and, most   importantly, your interest and imagination, it has become to possible to tell you about the monastery and even to show it. We’ll start with a short half-hour walk and then visit the monastery museum.  By the way, the city authorities have supported these efforts and the monastery has been officially given status of a place of interest. We’ll start with a short half-hour walk and then visit the monastery museum.  Let’s go!

by Центр изучения истории и наследия Московского Златоустовского монастыря
Продолжаем историю Златоустовского монастыря через его развитие и популяризацию

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