Irkutsk. Kamchatka expeditions

Irkutsk, Siberian Federal District, Russia
Est. 4.5km / 1 hr 30 mins

How does our visit to a museum, a cafe in an unknown or even in our city begin today? It begins with a click in the navigator or phone app! In response, we hear a coveted phrase "route is built". This is how a modern man overcomes the obstacles of the stone jungle with a saving beacon in hand. Today it is difficult to imagine that once people lived without all-known gadgets? However, behind every line on a physical map - the fate of brave travelers, seafarers and explorers is presented! Some of them devoted more than one year of their lives to daring expeditions.The example of such a geographical feat was the Great Northern Expedition (also called the Second Kamchatka) under the leadership of Vitus Bering. This is a series of sea voyages undertaken by Russian sailors along the Arctic coast of Siberia to the shores of North America and Japan. The expedition was carried out by seven independent detachments and took place in 1733-1743. A member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, a professor G.F. Miller was in charge of the scientific front of the Second Kamchatka Expedition. He led the Academic Detachment as a historiographer. In addition to archival work, he was engaged in archaeological excavations.The detachment left St. Petersburg on an August day in 1733 and arrived in Kazan at the end of October where the organization of meteorological observations began. The detachment reached Ekaterinburg at the end of December. The researchers were in Tobolsk in January 1734.The professor L. Delacroer set off with Chirikov's wagon train from Tobolsk to the east. The head of the expedition Bering allowed Miller and I. G. Gmelin to continue the journey on their own. The detachment along the Irtysh reached Omsk from Tobolsk, then the explorers visited the Yamyshevskaya fortress, Semipalatinsk and Ust-Kamenogorsk. In the winter and spring 1735 the scientists also visited Yeniseisk, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk and crossed the Lake Baikal to Selenginsk and Yacht . In the summer of the same year, the detachment visited the Chita burg and Nerchinsk, where they studied ancient monuments, burial mounds and ore mines. The detachment returned to Irkutsk in the autumn of 1735.What made them visit this place twice? Let's go along the paths of explorers!

by Великая Северная экспедиция
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