Krasnoyarsk. Kamchatka expeditions

Krasnojarsk, Siberian Federal District, Russia
Est. 8.0km / 2 hrs 41 mins

Riddle: The inhabitants of this city were obliged to grow potatoes in 1841. Those, who refused to grow overseas vegetables, were even sent to Bobruisk. Another clue from the past of this city is the hydroelectric power station which is depicted on 10-rouble notes. Have you guessed yet? Of course, we are talking about Krasnoyarsk!Krasnoyarsk is one of the oldest Siberian cities. We will soon celebrate its 400th anniversary. The Krasnoyarsk burg was founded in 1628. In 1690 Krasnoyarsk received the status of a city. This is a river city which is located on the two banks of the Yenisei. It is remembered in history as the New Kachinsky burg, as Krasny Yar and, finally, as the Krasnoyarsk burg.When speaking about the Great Northern Expedition, Krasnoyarsk is seldom mentioned. Most often it is listed as a transfer point for members of the Academic Detachment. Krasnoyarsk experienced many fires in its lifetime, so it is impossible to find any obvious objects, associated with the stay of the expedition members. Meanwhile, the knowledge and observations obtained in Krasnoyarsk by three prominent members of the expedition: Gerhard Miller, Johann Gmelin and Stepan Krasheninnikov, became the main part of scientific works.The travelers visited Krasnoyarsk twice. Their first visit happened at the end of the winter of 1735. There S.P. Krasheninnikov and G.F. Miller studied the flora and fauna of the surrounding lands, the life of the neighboring peoples and the Kachin people. The first name of the city –New Kachinsky Ostrog came from the Kachin Tartars, as Krasheninnikov called them in his notesThe explorers Miller and Gmelin visited Krasnoyarsk for the second time in 1739–1740. They conducted a study of the archaeological sites of the Minusinsk Basin in 1739. However, Miller soon went further west , but Gmelin stayed in Krasnoyarsk for another year. During that year he continued his observations. Johann Gmelin's invaluable studies of Krasnoyarsk and the surrounding lands were included in his multivolume work "A Journey through Siberia", published in German.Let's go along the paths of the 18th century explorers and take a trip to the amazing “pearl of Siberia”! 

by Великая Северная экспедиция
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