Walks in Divnogorie

Liskinskiy rayon, Central Federal District, Russia
Est. 4.6km / 2 hrs 30 mins

The natural, architectural and archaeological museum-reserve "Divnogorye" is a complex of archeological and cave architecture monuments located near the place, where the Tikhaya Sosna River flows into the Don. The museum-reserv surrounded by chalk outliers and rare plants that survived mammoths. A kind of crossroads of times, at which different eras met, and each left its mark. You can find out more about the museum-reserve by ordering an excursion or using an audio guide, which will become an indispensable assistant during a walk along the 5 km long tourist route.

by Музей-заповедник "Дивногорье"
Место, где сохраняют реликтовую флору, уникальные меловые ландшафты и памятники культурного наследия от каменного века до современности.

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