Bolshoe Goloustnoe

Irkutskiy rayon, Siberian Federal District, Russia
Est. 11.9km / 3 hrs 40 mins

People have been living at the territory of Bolshoe Goloustnoe for a long time. There were burials found in the outskirts that dated as early as XII-XIV centuries. Permanent settlements date at the 17th century.According to one virsion the village was founded in 1673 when one Buryat came here from the territory of today’s Ust Orda district. This person was amazed at the abundance of wild game, fish and trees for the firewood in the forest. Sons of this man put down roots in various places, the local Buryats named uluses after them. Local history scientists claim that there were four uluses in the outskirts of Goloustnoe, they were called Batagaevsky, Zarechny Podkamennaya Village, Kharanuty.The river Goloustnaya in Buryat language is called Eden-Gol which means «a valley of abundance, food and water». This land was rich in wild game, eadible flora and, thus, attracted people.Bolshoe Goloustnoe is mentioned in written sources for the first time in the17th century.  In 1675 Nikolai Spaphari, who was the head of the Russian Embassy in China, was describing Baikal and pointed at this very place. He describes it as a shelter where ships can stay during the night or during the storm. In 1688 Sinyavin, a voevode, issued a decree about placement of Cossack guards in Angara headwaters and in Goloustnoe estuary.The first winter cabin was installed in Goloustnoe in 1699 by a Cossack, Andrew Osharovsky. Later Osharovsky put it in his will that the the cabin should go to Irkutsk Voznesensky monastery. This solid building made of larch was located in the middle of the village, in 25 meters from Baikal. The cabin was a comfortable resting place, you can change your horses. People who used horses for the postal services, needed to change them here because they farther went to Posolsk monastery that was situated in fifty miles from this place.Pavel Leontievich Strekalovsky was the first Russian dweller of that place, he was a guardian of the winter cabin and later, after saving up some money, he bought it from the monks and settled down there with his family. He moved cargo around Baikal using bigger boats during summer and he used horses for this purposes during winter. He was the ancestor of all the local Russian population in the village.Due to its location Bolshoe Goloustnoe becomes very popular as a hub. Through here a water and land way to China went. Ships used Angara river to reach Goloustnoe and then via Baikal the ships went to Selenga river estuary and after - they followed to Nerchinsk. During winter they used sledges. People shipped sugar, flour and other goods to the East via Goloustnoye, furs, fish and meat was shipped towards the West.   But soon the Trans-Siberian Railway was built and the village was not used for the shipping anymore.Nowadays tourists go to Bolshoe Goloustnoye. The village and the shore territory  is included to Pribaikalsky National Park. But despite the protective measures the anthropogenic burden to the place is huge and the number of birds, animals and pieces of flora is reducing. To travel through the National Park, one has to acquire a special permission that can be asked for at the Park site or in the representative offices of the protected territory). One has also to study official trails map. Great Baikal Trail goes through Bolshoye Goloustnoye. The trail leads to the village of Bolshie Koty, if you follow it along Baikal, then the trail leads farther - to Lystvyanka. If you go to the left from the village, you’ll see that the trail is not finished, however, you will be able to follow it, you will step into the forest that exits to the shore line, the end of the trail is in Peschanka. Everyone can participate in the taking care of the National Park territory, inform yourself at the #BaikalskoeTRIO society. It includes three organizations that build the trails, keep the shoreline clean and plant forests .You can participate in keeping the Park for the future generations by following three simple rules: Rule number one: try not to leave any signs of your presence in the Park. Do not cut trees or bushes and do not make fires, do not stay the night in the forest in the places that are not set for this occasion. Take any garbage with you. Do not leave any inscriptions on the rocks or trees, do not pick up any plants that you consider healing, use already existing trails for your travels, do not create any new ones.Rule number two: do not drop your litter into the water, do not use phosphate-based cleaning agents, and do not wash your vehicles in the water.Rule number three: do not interfere with our natural neighbors (birds, fish, ants, other animals), do not bother other people.  

by Маршруты Байкала
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