Arboretum of Komissarov P.S.

Omskiy rayon, Siberian Federal District, Russia
Est. 680m / 14 mins

On the right bank of the Irtysh, 30 kilometers from Omsk along the Cherlaksky tract, near the Ust-Zaostrovka is a garden.The beginning of Siberian gardening is connected with this garden. Here is a museum dedicated to the life and work of P.S. Komissarova who in 1895 leased for 24 years from the Cossack Troops Directorate a significant plot of land on the right bank of the Irtysh. Komissarov pitched the land for landing into squares. A protective strip of pines, poplars and maples was planted on the north side. The squares were surrounded by landings of lilac, acacia, and irgi. In the first two winters, plants destroyed frosts and hares. Then Komissarov contacted the breeder Ivan Michurin, and he advised using the vaccination method.The first tree that took root was the apple tree, which over time turned into a real symbol of the arboretum. Huge work was put into the development of the garden. So, on hot days the family brought from Irtysh to seven hundred buckets of water for irrigation. Titanic work was not in vain, and in 1907 the first large apples of southern breeds were grown on a Siberian compound. P.S. Komisarov through the General Governor of the Steppe Territory I.P. Nadarova presented Emperor Nicholas II with a box of apples and photographs of his garden. Nicholas II ordered to thank Komissarov and gave him a gold watch with a chain and the national emblem of Russia.In 1911, at the 1st West Siberian Forest and Trade and Industrial Exhibition, Komissarov was awarded a silver medal, and at the anniversary All-Russian Industrial and Forest Exhibition, a prize of 3,000 rubles was awarded. P.S. Komissarov was elected an honorary member of the Russian Imperial Society for Gardening and Horticulture.During the Civil War, the garden was badly damaged. In the fall of 1919, the White Guards drove into it a herd of 1.5 thousand head of cattle for grazing and resting. Soon P.S. Komissarov fell seriously ill and died on January 15, 1920. He was buried in his garden. In 1920, Komissarov’s garden was nationalized. In the early 90s, the garden was abandoned and taken away. Its restoration began in 1994, and now the arboretum has become the basis for the preservation of valuable plantings, educational and scientific work.Almost a hundred species of trees and shrubs from North America, Asia, Europe, the Far East grow in the arboretum. Elms and oaks planted by Komissarov survived. Here grows: linden, ash, Canadian and European maples, balsamic poplar, barberry, bird cherry, hazel, Turkestan elm, acacia, jasmine, alder, as well as very unusual Chinese mulberries, snow berries, mountain spirea, Kuril tea, cypress, velvet amur Siberian boxwood and even black birch. On the territory there is a small fruit garden with apple trees, Amur grapes, pears, raspberries, cherries, Japanese quinces.            The following excursion programs take place on the territory of the arboretum:1. Excursions on the territory of the nature monument of regional significance “Arboretum named after P.S. Komissarova "On the tour, get acquainted with the unique life story of P.S. Komissarova and rare plants, you will be treated to tea and jam, cooked according to his recipe.2. Excursion “Tree of Fortune” on the territory of the regional nature monument “P.S. Arboretum Komissarova "On the tour, get acquainted with the unique life story of P.S. Komissarova and rare plants, at the end of the excursion program a master class “Miracle Tree” will be held, with your own hands you can plant tree branches. 

by БУ "Управление по охране животного мира"
Министерство природных ресурсов и экологии Омской области Бюджетное учреждение Омской области "Управление по охране животного мира"

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