Solnechnaya Path

Yalta, Ukraine
Est. 7.0km / 2 hrs 19 mins

One of Yalta's main tourist attractions is the Solnechnaya Path. It is also called the health path, the Tsar's path, and the horizontal path. It has been laid out specially to connect the imperial and grand ducal estates as comfortably as possible. The path, as it appears to this day, was laid out at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. By walking through it we can get deep into the history of Crimea, beginning with the Taurians and ending with the present time. It is pleasant to walk, ride a bicycle, and enjoy the views from beautiful observation points on the coast.If you plan to visit this path in the morning, then it is better to start your way from Livadia to Gaspra, and if in the afternoon - you should walk from Gaspra to Livadia. It depends on the sun's position and the lighting. You should also keep in mind that you should have at least 4 hours left to pass the path comfortably. The length of the Tsar's Path is about 6 kilometres. The difference in elevation is minimal.You can get to the starting point of the path by public transport that goes to Livadia or Gaspra.

by МБОУ «Ялтинская средняя школа №12»
ИИП ученика 9Б класса Худяковой А.А.

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