Audio guide "Green Line"

Chita, Far Eastern Federal District, Russia
Est. 1.8km / 36 mins

Hello dear friends. We present to you an audio guide to Chita “Green Line”. Green is the color of life! Walking along a short route in the oldest part of the city, you will get the opportunity to find out what life was like in the capital of Transbaikalia 100 or more years ago. Keep in mind – the green line is virtual, so follow the prompts from our audio guide. Along the route you will come across information stands that will become a kind of beacons along the path of your journey. So...Go!  Walk along the left side of Devyatogo Yanvarya Street, cross Anokhin Street, move to the red brick house at 35 Devyatogo Yanvarya Street. We are interested in this particular house.

by Забайкальский центр развития музейного дела
Некоммерческое учреждение, занимающееся развитием забайкальских музеев.

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