Sheffield Botanical Gardens Tree Trail

Sheffield, England, United Kingdom
Est. 1.4km / 29 mins

This trail will help you discover some of the wonderful trees at Sheffield Botanical Gardens. The trail is numbered to start at the main Clarkehouse Road entrance to the Gardens but, as it's circular, you can also begin at either of the other two entrances, as shown on the tour map.For each of the stops on the trail, you can listen to a description of the particular tree, and look at photographs. If you'd rather read than listen, the information is also available as text. Walk the whole trail and learn about all trees we've chosen from our wonderful collection. Or just pick out one or two that interest you. You can even enjoy the whole tour on your computer from the comfort of home! Do post pictures of your favourite tree in the Gardens on social media. Tag us (@FOBSheffield) on Twitter and Instagram so we can share your choice.Once you've completed the trail, come back to the Gardens in different seasons to see how the trees change, and look out for interesting trees in other Sheffield parks and at our partner site, the General Cemetery. We'd love to hear what you think of our tree trail - via Twitter @FOBSheffield or email us on tour was designed by the tree experts in the Friends of the Botanical Gardens, Sheffield, as part of National Tree Week 2020. All the text and photographs were provided by Friends.  

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