ESYO Soundwalk

Albany, NY, United States
Est. 3.2km / 1 hr

The Empire State Youth Orchestra (ESYO) Soundwalk is an immersive musical experience created to accompany a walker as they stroll along various nature trails in Washington Park, directed and produced by high school musicians. This classical music playlist was commissioned, composed, and curated to highlight aspects of the park's landscape and also bring your attention to your auditory environment.  As you, the walker, pass from one trail section to the next, the music will change to match that particular section of the trail. We hope you will take some time leisurely stroll through the park, taking time to drink in the fresh air and natural environment. In addition to the focus on nature, some pieces will center on the significance of Albany’s Dutch heritage. Just as the pieces of a puzzle fit together to construct a beautiful picture, a Soundwalk permits nature and music to come together to create an unforgettable experience for each walker.  Music was composed by local artists, performed by ESYO musicians, and recorded by Sean Jones. To learn more about the composers, the Soundwalk project, and to donate to support the work of the Empire State Youth Orchestra, please visit:

by Empire State Youth Orchestra
Youth Orchestra in the Capital District

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