Washington, DC, United States
Est. 1.7km / 34 mins

Hi,My name is Amber Jones, a junior honors broadcast journalism sports administration minor from Nolensville, Tennessee. This year, I had the pleasure of taking Multi-Media Audio Production. Our course-long project entailed an Audio Tour, which you see here. As a proud Howard Student, I'm rather fond of my school, the students attending, and the people that work to maintain the school's strong legacy. I decided, why not combine both my school and my project, to create a tour of the illustrious university. For those that have never visited, or those that are fellow students, this tour seeks to inform and enlighten. I'd prefer you hear my voice, over reading my words, because I'm obviously excited and I want you to truly get the emphasis! So, let's get right into it! I welcome you officially to my IZI Audio Tour: Howard University Gems: Hidden & All, A dive into the mecca, featuring its many gems, known and unknown! 

by amber jones
junior honors media, tv, & film major, sports administration minor

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