Cemetery East section Veterans of the First Congregational Church of Greenwich, CT

Old Greenwich, CT, United States
Est. 534m / 3 hrs 11 mins

Welcome to the tour of the veterans in the east section of the cemetery of First Church, Greenwich, CT. The purpose of this tour is to make placing of flags to honor our veterans before Memorial Day faster and more accurate. Because of that, this is not an audio guide. Be sure to scroll down in each veteran’s description to see the walking instructions to the next headstone.

The east section is generally the second-oldest section of our cemetery. Buried here are 21 Civil War soldiers, two who were in the Korean War, one in the Spanish American War, eight in WW I, 28 in WW II and two in both WW I and WW II. We are indebted to their service.

Map view is the default. (Upper left on the map.) Click on Satellite view to see better detail. That view has a Rotate button on the right so you can rotate the view to south-facing when you start, then rotate it back to north-facing when you are walking back north! Please watch your step when you're on the grass.

OK, next, on the left side of the driveway, go beyond the hedge around the young children’s plot for William June's old headstone.

by The First Congregational Church of Greenwich, CT
This is the oldest church in Greenwich, CT, hence the nickname "First Church." It was chartered in 1665. We welcome you to take our tours!

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