Santa clara

Santa Clara, Cuba
Est. 2.7km / 51 mins

Situated in Cuba's central region, Santa Clara is a lively and historically significant city. Founded in 1689 by settlers looking for new land away from pirate threats along the coast, the city has developed into a major centre of politics, culture, and education. Best renowned for its significant contribution to the Cuban Revolution and its unique mix of historical and contemporary attractions is Santa Clara.The Che Guevara Mausoleum, which holds the remains of the renowned revolutionary leader and his companions who perished in Bolivia, is one of Santa Clara's most recognisable attractions. The mausoleum is a component of a bigger memorial complex that also has a museum honouring the life and contributions of Che Guevara to the Cuban Revolution. The magnificent statue of Che Guevara, determinedly facing

by AIS

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