Melbourne Laneways & Arcades Walk

Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Est. 2.3km / 1 hr 31 mins

Melbourne's laneways and arcades are the hidden gems of the city, where history, culture and creativity can be found around every corner. Once used as service roads to the main streets, these narrow laneways and covered passageways are now vibrant and lively spaces full of cafes, bars, restaurants and shops.

Melbourne Laneways & Arcades Walk - Cya On The Road

This walking tour takes you on a journey through some of Melbourne's most charming and colourful laneways and arcades. Start at the iconic Under the Clocks gathering place and end at a century-old tea house. Along the way, you'll discover the stories and secrets of these places and how they reflect Melbourne's character and spirit.

Best of all, you can explore at your own pace and stop whenever you feel like it. Whether you want a coffee, a bite or a drink, you'll find plenty of options in the laneways. You can also chat to the locals and get a taste of their lifestyle. Your Ai tour guide will be waiting for you and will resume the tour when you're ready.

So what are you waiting for? Come with me and discover the essence and beauty of Melbourne!

by Melanie Carlson
Born, raised and based in Melbourne. Always keen to guide curious minds to discover the secrets of the city's most famous laneways and arcades.

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