Atherton Tablelands Gourmet Trail

Kuranda, QLD, Australia; Mareeba, QLD, Australia; Biboohra, QLD, Australia; Walkamin, QLD, Australia; Tolga, QLD, Australia; Atherton, QLD, Australia; East Barron, QLD, Australia; Malanda, QLD, Australia; Glen Allyn, QLD, Australia; Mungalli, QLD, Australia
Est. 203.9km / 3 hrs 57 mins

Atherton Tablelands Gourmet Trail - Cya On The Road

The rolling hills of the Atherton Tablemands are covered in tropical fruit plantations, farms and wineries ... it's no wonder that 'food tourism' has been such a growth industry over recent years. The area is now responsible for 90% of Australia's coffee production, and visitors can sample some of the local brews, including macadamia flavoured coffee, right on the plantation. Also, there are wineries that make wines and liqueurs from tropical fruits.

by Stephen Yarrow
Stephen is the editor of a number of websites about Australia, his home website being Pocketoz.

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