A Poem and a Place

Lyttelton, Canterbury, New Zealand
Est. 2.4km / 48 mins

Seven Lyttelton poets take you on an adventure around Lyttelton. Nine places. Nine poems. The voice of Lyttelton actor Tom Trevella will be your guide with music by Jules Marchant. To start the tour, stand outside the Lyttelton Information Centre on Oxford Street. As you follow Tom's instructions, each piece of audio is triggered by your phone's GPS. This works best if you download the tour before starting. There's a little download icon on the right of the cover image above.

A Poem and a Place - Cya On The Road

The tour is best experienced with headphones. You can re-set tour progress any time and do the tour again and again.

Original music composition and sound design by Jules Marchant. Imagery with thanks to Dean Mackenzie and Justyn Rebecca Denney.

This is a PlaceCasting production created in partnership with the WORD Christchurch festival. It was created 100% by volunteers. All proceeds will be returned to the poets.

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