Grandchester Railway Station

Grandchester, QLD, Australia
Est. --- / 1 hr

Grandchester Railway Station - Cya On The Road

Welcome to the first railway station in Queensland. Grandchester Railway Station was constructed in 1865 when Queensland's first railway line was opened - between Ipswich and Bigge's Camp (Grandchester). On 31 July 2015, Grandchester Railway Station will celebrate its 150th anniversary.Volunteers open Grandchester Railway Station on the first Sunday of the month, from 10.00 am to 3.00 pm. Entry is free but a donation is appreciated. Our special thanks go to Tim Nemeth for the majority of the images and Rebecca Lynch for the use of information presented in the Grandchester Volunteer Manual.Images at left: Grandchester Railway Station today; a Kitson No. 26 locomotive puling a mixed train, Grandchester, circa 1879, SLQ image no. 14378; Front elevation from plans described as ‘Road Side Station No 1, Bigge’s Camp, & Dalby, Helidon’ held in the Queensland State Archives.

by National Trust Queensland
The National Trust of Queensland (NTQ) is a membership-based community organisation...

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