Norah Head Lighthouse

Norah Head, NSW, Australia; Central Coast, NSW, Australia
Est. --- / 20 mins

Norah Head Lighthouse is the only lighthouse on the Central Coast of New South Wales. It was designed by the architect James Barnet in a style distinctive to NSW lighthouses of the 19th century[1]. The lighthouse site consists of the lightstation, three cottage buildings and a stable, carpark, asphalt track, and a number of small sheds[2]. The lightstation site is listed under NSW State Heritage register, and is managed by the Department of Land and Water Conservation with assistance from the Norah Head Lighthouse Reserve Trust[3].

Norah Head Lighthouse - Cya On The Road

[1] Clifford, I (2000) ‘Once a danger, now safe’ Lighthouses of Australia Project Bulletin[2] Department of Land and Water Conservation (2000) ‘Norah Head Lightstation - Plan of Management’ , p.8[3] Norah Head Lighthouse Reserve Trust (2007)

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