Culloden Battlefield

Inverness, Scotland, United Kingdom
Est. --- / 42 mins

The battle of Culloden was the last pitched battle fought on the British mainland. It was also the last battle of the final Jacobite Rising that commenced in 1745 when Charles Edward Stuart, grandson of the exiled King James VII & II, arrived in Scotland from France with the aim of putting his father on the throne in place of the Hanoverian George II. The battle was a total and bloody defeat for the Jacobites which effectively marked the end of almost sixty years of the Jacobite struggle, as never again would an armed uprising be used in the attempt to return the Stuarts to the throne. The Government victory also paved the way for a sustained program to destroy the power base of the rebel clans. This virtual tour will take you throughout the Culloden battlefield from beginning to end. The purpose behind this virtual fieldtrip is for you to learn about the historical events that led to, and happened during, the battle of Culloden of 1745, which in turn will help you meet the following standards and meeting these outcomes: 

Culloden Battlefield - Cya On The Road

SS.912.C.4.1 Explain how the world's nations are governed differently. 

SS.912.G.3.2 Use geographic terms and tools to explain how weather and climate influence the natural character of a place.

SS.912.W.2.11 Describe the rise and achievements of significant rulers in Europe

SS.912.W.1.1 Use timelines to establish cause and effect relationships of historical events.

SS.912.W.1.3 Interpret and evaluate primary and secondary sources.

Students will compare and contrast the form of government of the United States and Great Britain by completing a Venn diagram with at least 5 key points per section (SS.912.C.4.1)

Students will create and label a drawing that represents the natural character of the Scottish Highlands, and write one paragraph explaining how the geography and climate of the place influenced at least one event that occurred during the battle of Culloden (SS.912.G.3.2).

Students will write a five-paragraph essay explaining why the Duke of Cumberland defeated the Jacobites at the Battle of Culloden, which will contain an introduction, a conclusion, and three body paragraphs explaining one reason each (SS.912.W.2.11).

Students will complete a historical timeline of the Battle of Culloden with at least 10 events ordered in the correct sequence, and create a video using green screen technology to explain at least two causes and two effects of the battle of Culloden (SS.912.W.1.1).

Students will research about 3 artifacts found at the Battle of Culloden, and explain their significance as primary sources by completing a chart (SS.912.W.1.3).

Students will compare and contrast three primary and three secondary sources about the Battle of Culloden with the use of Venn Diagrams, and write at least one paragraph explaining the pros and cons of researching about the Battle of Culloden with secondary sources (SS.912.W.1.3).


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